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THERMOELECTRIC CONVERTERS THA, THC - thermoelectric converters (thermocouples) of the type THA, THC are designed to measure and control the temperature of liquid, solid, gaseous and bulk media in various industries.

Variants of execution:
  1. THA-1, THK-1.
  2. THA-2, THK-2.
  3. THA-3, THK-3.
  4. THA-4, THK-4.
  5. THA-5, THK-5.
  6. THA-6, THK-6.
  7. THA-8, THK-8.
  8. THA-9, THK-9.
  1. THK-10.
  2. THA-11, THK-11.
  3. THA-12, THK-12.
  4. THA-13.
  5. THA-15.
  6. THA-18.
  7. THAK-50, THKK-50.

THERMOELECTRIC CONVERTERS platinum TTPP, TTPR - thermoelectric converters (thermocouples) of the TTPP, TTPR type are designed to measure and control the temperature of liquid, solid, gaseous and bulk media in various industries. Platinum is used as a sensitive material.

Variants of execution:
  1. TTPP-53-1, TTPR-53-1.
  1. TTPP-53-3, TTPR-53-3.

Price list

All TERMIKO products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant TERMIKO: primary temperature converters, thermocouples, thermometers, kits and accessories
  • Thermometers TERMIKO
    TPT, TMT, etc.
  • Thermocouples TERMIKO
    THA, THC, TTPP, TTPR, etc.
  • Converters TERMIKO
    TPTU, TMTU, PSP, PSM, etc.
  • Sets of thermometers TERMIKO
    Sets of thermometers
    KTPTR , etc .
  • Secondary devices TERMIKO
    Secondary devices
    CITD-5, TPT-3-6U, etc.
  • Sensitive elements TERMIKO
    Sensitive elements
    CHAPT, CHEMT, etc.
  • Protective fittings TERMIKO
    Protective fittings


The company THERMIKO (Moscow) has 20 years of experience in the field of practical thermometry. THERMICO products are known in almost all regions of Russia and in the 21st country of the world. The quality and reliability of the products is backed up by a 4-year warranty.

    Controlling the manufacturing process of sensitive elements, the company THERMIKO develops and manufactures thermometers with the necessary parameters.
  • application

    It is difficult to imagine an enterprise without temperature monitoring and measurement devices. There are production facilities where initially the quality of products directly depends on the output to a given temperature process and on the degree of its maintenance.
  • experience

    THERMIKO specialists have considerable experience in the production of products for practical thermometry, as well as in metrological support of temperature and thermophysical measurements.

Information Board TERMIKO

Learn more about our products TERMIKO.
  • Price list of THERMICO products поставщика ТЕРМИКО
    Price list of THERMICO products
  • Installation examples на сайте ТЕРМИКО
    Installation examples


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